Patagonian International Marathon Facebook Pixel About the Race – Patagonian International Marathon®

About the Race


Torres del Paine National Park
42K - 21K - 10K | 13th Edition
Patagonia, Chile
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Race Concept & Location

In the year 2012, Patagonian International Marathon® became the first marathon to take place in Torres del Paine National Park. Since that first edition, the event has occurred each year in the month of September, either inside the park or within its surroundings. The only interruption was in 2020 due to the pandemic. Since its origin, the event has brought together runners from more than 65 countries, converging together in the extreme south of Patagonia to fulfill the dream of running in one of the most pristine locations on the planet. It is the most multinational marathon in Southern Chilean Patagonia.

The base city is Puerto Natales, located 250 km to the north of Punta Arenas, the capital of the region. Geographically, the event takes place in the extreme south of the American continent, at 51° south latitude, in a privileged location of Western Patagonia, located to the east of the Great Southern Ice Field and in the surroundings of Torres del Paine National Park.

The classic race distances are 42km (marathon), 21km (half-marathon) and 10km, although some editions have included an ultra-marathon distance.

The magic of running in the heart of Patagonia, alongside runners from all over the world, and the adventure of facing a relentless, and at times even hostile, climate are essential elements of Patagonian International Marathon®.

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23 September, 2012, Puente Weber
Stjepan Pavicic (Race Director) and Guillermo Santana (Administrator of Torres del Paine National Park) officiating the 42K start in the first edition of Patagonian International Marathon®.

The following tables presents historical data from previous editions, in addition to providing the schedule for the next edition of Patagonian International Marathon® and the ensuing editions planned for the future:

Edition Year Date Race Distances
2012 23 September 10K, 21K, 42K Torres del Paine National Park
2013 28 September 10K, 21K, 42K, 63K Torres del Paine National Park
2014 27 September 10K, 21K, 42K, 63K Torres del Paine National Park
2015 26 September 10K, 21K, 42K, 60K Torres del Paine National Park
2016 24 September 10K, 21K, 42K SW of Torres del Paine National Park
2017 9 September 10K, 21K, 42K SW of Torres del Paine National Park
2018 8 September 10K, 21K, 42K SW of Torres del Paine National Park
2019 7 September 10K, 21K, 42K SW of Torres del Paine National Park
2020 Pandemic – – – – – – – –
2021 11 September 10K, 21K, 42K Torres del Paine National Park
2022 10 September 10K, 21K, 42K Torres del Paine National Park
2023 9 September 10K, 21K, 42K Torres del Paine National Park
2024 6 September 10K, 21K, 42K Torres del Paine National Park
2025 7 September 10K, 21K, 42K Torres del Paine National Park
2026 5 September
2027 4 September
2028 9 September
2029 8 September
2030 7 September

Patagonian International Marathon® is part of the Racing Patagonia® project, created by Stjepan Pavicic – geologist, ex-athlete and mountaineer – in the year 2002. Since its origin, this project searches to promote Chilean Patagonia around the world and contribute to sustainable development of tourism and the local community. More information can be found on the website: and by following us on Instagram: @racingpatagonia.

Torres del Paine National Park was founded in May of 1959, and was later declared a Biosphere Reserve in April of 1978. Today marks 62 years since the creation of Torres del Paine National Park! It is without a doubt one of the most unique and amazing places on our planet. A true masterpiece in nature, whose creation took more than 70 million years and involved various geological processes. One of the most important was the intrusion of magma, which took place around 12 million years ago and generated the massive granite structures. Lastly, the landscape we currently see today was sculpted by the incredible work of glaciers that covered the entire zone.

We invite you to check out the photo gallery section to find images of the previous editions! Whether you are an elite runner, an enthusiast or a traveler in search of new experiences, you will be WELCOME here! We invite you to feel the energy of nature and live the magic of Patagonian International Marathon®!

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