Patagonian International Marathon Facebook Pixel Frequently Asked Questions – Patagonian International Marathon®

Frequently Asked Questions


Torres del Paine National Park
42K - 21K - 10K | 12th Edition
Patagonia, Chile
PIM Event Flags

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page of Patagonian International Marathon®. Here you may find answers to most of your questions. Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at

General Information

1. When will the event take place and what distances will it feature?

The twelfth edition of Patagonian International Marathon® will take place on Saturday, 7 September, 2024. It will feature three race distances: marathon (42km), half-marathon (21km), and 10km..

2. Where will the event take place?

Patagonian International Marathon® will take place in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region, Providence of Última Esperanza (Last Hope), Commune Torres del Paine. The region’s capital is Punta Arenas, and the closest city to the marathon’s race zone is Puerto Natales. The routes for the 2024 edition are located within Torres del Paine National Park. The shared Finish Line for all race distances is located at the Welcome Center in Reserva Las Torres. See (Map).

3. What are the routes for the race?

The three race distances share a common Finish Line, located at the Welcome Center / Reserva Las Torres. The 42K race distance starts at Puente Weber. The 21K and 10K race distances take place within the 42K route. See (Ver Mapa).

4. On what type of terrain will the event be run?

All race distances in Patagonian International Marathon® are designed using the Park’s vehicular roads, which have a smooth gravel surface. The terrain is mid-mountain, so the roads are very winding, with curves and permanent slope changes.

5. What type of weather conditions will runners face during the event?

The climate in Patagonia is characterized by highly variable and unpredictable weather conditions in all four seasons; however, in the month of September, which is the date for the event, spring will be on the way! Gradually, the green begins to return after a hard winter. Therefore, you can expect average temperatures between 2 and 10°C, with absolutes maximums even reaching 15°C. Even though it will not be during the traditional season of strong and persistent winds, and going beyond more than just statistics, there is always the possibility that Patagonia will surprise us with some form of a storm to show us her power! Therefore, you must come prepared to confront every possibility! The use of adequate clothing will be fundamental in order to enjoy your experience in these latitudes.

6. What time does the event start?
Distance Starting Time
42K 10:00
21K 11:00
10K 10:00
NOTE: For each distance, runners must present themselves an hour before the scheduled start time.
7. What is the time limit for completing each race distance?

There will be a maximum of 7 hours to complete the 42K, in addition to intermediate cut-off points, with the first being at 21km and then again at 31km from the starting line. Therefore, you must complete these sections based on the following schedule:

  • 42K: Mirador Nordenskjold – 13:30
  • 42K & 21K: Puente Negro – 16:00
8. Are there any age restrictions limiting participation?

In order to participate in either the 42K or 21K, you must be at least 18 years old by 7 September, 2024. In order to participate in the 10K, you must be at least 16 years old by 7 September, 2024.

9. If I’m a minor, can I run the 21K or 42K by showing previous experience, adequate health, or parental approval?

Conforming to international standards, for health reasons, it’s not permitted.

10. How many aid stations will be located along the route?

The aid stations will be positioned approximately every 5 kilometers. Thereby, including the starting line and finish line for all distances, the 42K will have 8 aid stations, the 21K will have 5 aid stations, and the 10K will have 3 aid stations. Please see the Runner´s Guide for additional details.

11. What are the categories for Patagonian International Marathon®?

The categories for Patagonian International Marathon® are the following:

Category Age Range: Men Age Range: Women
Hares 16 — 17 16 — 17
Guanacos 18 — 29 18 — 29
Pumas 30 — 39 30 — 39
Huemules 40 — 49 40 — 49
Foxes 50 — 59 50 — 59
Condors 60 — 69 60 — 69
Mylodones 70 + 70 +
Horned Owls Inclusive, physical disability Inclusive, physical disability
NOTE: The categories have been named in recognition of the natural environment in which the race takes place. The names used are from the surrounding wildlife.
12. Can I leave a drop bag in the Starting Line?

Yes, you are permitted to leave a small bag in your respective starting line, where you must submit it to custodial staff present at the starting line. Thiis bag will then be brought directly to the finish line. The bag must be your own personal bag, and be both properly closed and marked with the sticker provided in your kit. Please remember that while the organization will carefully handle all bags, it’s not responsible for any stolen, lost, or damaged items, meaning we recommend that you do not leave any valuable items in the bag.

13. Will there be mandatory equipment required to run Patagonian International Marathon®?

The only mandatory items required to run the event, which must be used at all times, are the following: race number, timing chip and a non-disposable cup. Considering both the geographical and meteorological conditions present in the race zone, a detailed section labeled “Recommended Equipment” is available on our website, where you will find additional suggestions to help improve your experience and safety during the race. Please remember that it’s your responsibility to select and evaluate each article of clothing and/or equipment.

14. Will it be necessary to pay an entry fee to Torres del Paine National Park?

The race routes are located within Torres del Paine National Park, with the entrance fee to the park being included in the cost of registration, which will be valid only for the day of the event. Any companions accompanying the trip MUST pay for their own entry fee. All details regarding entrances into the Park are located on CONAF (National Forest Corporation in Chile)’s website:

15. Can I walk instead of run?

Yes, it’s permitted, but you must consider that for the case of the 42K and 21K distances, there is a mandatory cut-off schedule that must be respected. In the case that you do not manage to complete these cut-off points, you must be transported in the vehicle that will close the race.

16. There will be photographers and press during the event. What will happen if they take my photo or video while I run?

Each year we try to achieve the best coverage for the event, both with external and internal photographers to capture the best photos of the runners and the environment. As stated in the general rules of Patagonian International Marathon® each runner, upon registration, has agreed to grant the organization, sponsors, photographers, and media the right to use their likeness in photographs, films, audio, and promotional materials for current and future events.

17. Will there be an awards ceremony for the event

Upon crossing the Finish Line, each runner is awarded a “Finisher” medal, but an official awards ceremony for each category will take place at the finish line, the same day of the event (Saturday, 7 September), between 11:00 and 17:00 hrs (according to completition of each race distance).


1. What is the closest airport to the event?

When entering Chile from outside the country, one must first arrive in Santiago, Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport, code SCL. From this airport, there are frequent flights to Punta Arenas (PUQ), the capital of the Magellan and Chilean Antarctica Region and the closest city to Puerto Natales and Patagonian International Marathon®.

2. How can I travel from Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales?

  • Bus (The trip lasts 3 hours, with buses departing every day from 7:30 hrs. until 21:00 hrs.
  • Transportation coordinated by your personal accommodation
  • Rented vehicle
3. How can I travel from Puerto Natales to the Starting Line?

To avoid traffic problems within Torres del Paine National Park, the only way to access the starting points will be by the official event buses and minibuses (including those from hotels that have requested accreditation). The ticket for the official bus service, either from Puerto Natales must be purchased in advance. It can be purchased at the time of registration or in the coming months from your registration link, until the registration closes.

4. How can I travel from other locations to the Starting Line?

  • Transportation coordinated by your personal accommodation.
  • he organization DOES NOT offer transportation services from locations other than Puerto Natales.
5. Do I have to wait until the event is over in order to leave the Finish Line?

No, in order to avoid runners accumulating at the Finish Line, the awards ceremony will take place in Puerto Natales and the official buses will leave frequently from the Finish Line to Puerto Natales.

Runner’s Kit

1. Where can I go to retrieve my runner’s kit?

The Runner’s Kit can be picked up in Puerto Natales, based on the following schedule:

Date Time Location
05 September 15:00 – 20:00 Hotel Costaustralis
Puerto Natales
06 September 10:00 – 22:00 Hotel Costaustralis
Puerto Natales
NOTE: Please refer to the runner’s guide for any updates to schedules and/or locations.
2. What’s included in the runner’s kit?
The runner’s kit includes the following items:
  • Official Runner’s Shirt of Patagonian International Marathon®
  • Official Elastic Cylindrical Headband of Patagonian International Marathon®
  • Official Race Number
  • Returnable Timing Chip
  • Personalized Final Bag Sticker
  • Patagonian International Marathon® Sticker


1. What is the registration period for the event?

Registration will be open from 21 September until 2 August. Please visit our registration page for more information.

Super Pre-sale Pre-sale Normal
21 September – 27 September 28 September – 4 January 5 January – 2 August
2. How much does it cost to register for the event

There are three registration periods: Super Per-Sale, Pre-Sale and Normal. The cost of registration will depend on the current period, so please visit our registration page for more details.

3. How and where can I register?

Registration can be completed by following the instructions on our registration page. Payment can be completed through a third-party payment system, paying with a national or international credit card, debit card, or bank transfer. If you live outside of Chile, you must use the ticket options noted in dollars, otherwise your card will be rejected.

4. Is there a special discount available for those living in Magallanes region?

Yes! Please write an email to with your RUT and race distance if you want to participate and we will send you all of the details regarding the discount.

5. Is there any discount for belonging to a sports club, gym, institution, etc?

Yes, during the Pre-Sale and Normal registration periods, you can receive a 20% if your group consists of at least 5 runners. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, the information must be completed in the following section of our website or by writing us directly at

6. Will the Organization provide portable toilets?

Yes, the organization will provide bathrooms at some specific points along the route. Due to the fact that the event takes place far from the city, portable toilets must be transported over long distances to their installation points. These services will be included in your registration fee.

7. How do I know if I have effectively registered?

The moment you finish registration, you will automatically receive a ticket from the third-party payment system in addition to a confirmation email from the Organization.

8. What do I have to do if I have registered and paid and not yet received any confirmation from the Organization a few days after?

In this case, you have to check your e-mail for spam. If you cannot find it there, we recommend you to send a message to explaining your situation with your payment receipt attached. Please note that we send each registered runner a welcome e-mail. It may be possible that you have not received a confirmation letter because your registration was incomplete or your email was not properly entered.

9. Can I change any data in my registration form after my participation has been confirmed?

Any changes on your registration may be made until 04 August. These changes may be made through

10. Once registered, can I change my distance? Until when can I change it?

Yes, you are permitted to change your race distance, but only until 04 August. Please email

11. Once registered, am I going to receive updates regarding the marathon in my e-mail?

Sólo enviaremos información que sea relevante, esto puede incluir recordatorios, cambios importantes, temas de logística e incluso promociones de servicios locales que puedan ser atractivas para los corredores. Sin embargo, respetaremos tu confidencialidad y tu correo no será entregado a terceros.


1. If I injure myself or am unable to participate in the marathon for any reason, will I receive a partial refund?

It depends on the date of when this notice is given to the Organization. For more information, you may check our General Rules & Regulations.

2. If for one reason or another I cannot be part of the marathon, can someone else take my place?

Yes, it’s permitted. For more information, please review the official General Rules & Regulations or write us directly at for more details.

3. Should I transfer my registration to another person, how does the new runner know that the change has been confirmed?

Similar to any runner who registers, they will receive a welcome email from the organization upon payment.

4. If I chose to save my registration, will I be able to use to run in one of the Organization’s other events?

Yes, it’s permitted, provided that you meet the minimum eligibility requirements for each event. For more details, please refer to General Rules & Regulations.

5. What is the policy regarding cancelations, rescheduling and reimbursements?

All of these details are highlighted in the official Rules & Regulations, which you must read and accept before registering.

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